Friday, May 18, 2007

Christoher Hitchens is an Evil Atheistic Jerk and Fox News is an Idolatrous Organization

Jerry Falwell has died - God rest his soul.

And Fox News invited the outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens on Hannity and Colmes to express his hatred for Jerry Falwell.,2933,273295,00.html

In response, I wrote this email to Sean Hannity:


Why in the world was Christoher Hitchens invited on your show and given an arena to express his evil atheistic hatred of Jerry Falwell? You rebuked him on the air, but you could have just as well rebuked him in a private conversation or in a private letter. I'll tell you why he was invited on the air: Ratings. Frankly, sir, you disgust me.

The Bible says, "Do not rebuke a fool according to his folly or you will be like him yourself."
The Bible also says, "Rebuke a fool according to his folly or he will be wise in his own eyes."

This calls for wisdom - wisdom that you obviously do not have.

To rebuke Christopher Hitchens on the air was just foolishness. By doing so, you were being foolish. Not as foolish as Christopher Hitchens, but that's not saying much. You should have rebuked him in private.

But again, it is all coming down to ratings - isn't it? Disgusting.

Wise up!

Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

The past couple years, I have spent some time (too much time) on atheist blogs. If Christians were half as intelligent and half as determined as the average atheist blogger, we would be making a lot of progress. That said, atheist bloggers are among the most smug, most arrogant, and most hateful people in our nation. Being convinced of the atheist case, they think that they are way above the average Joe - especially the average Joe evangelical. Besides the truth that atheism is false (which just makes them look silly), they are arrogant.

Now, to be fair, I have known atheists that I was friends with, and while they too were somewhat arrogant, they weren't nearly as arrogant or mean as these atheist bloggers.

What's so ironic is that they rail against "bigotry." Of course, if you believe in Jesus Christ, then you are a bigot. If you hold to the idea that truth is absolute, then you are a bigot. That is, if you are a Christian and you hold to the idea that truth is absolute, then you are a bigot. But, of course, if you are an atheist, and you hold to the idea that truth is absolute, then you are not bigot - you are reasonable.

It is amazing how atheists claim the intellectual high ground and boast of how "reasonable" they are. This, coupled with their arrogance, and it takes a lot of effort to show these people that deductive reasoning has nothing to say about presuppositions.

But besides their inability to distinguish between truth and validity, they are mean-spirited and arrogant bigots. They are self-righteous. They are totally depraved.

O atheists! Repent and believe the gospel!

And be nice!


Blogger MarcoConley said...

Informed you might be worried you'd offended me-- rest assured, you have not-- real life just interferes from time to time.

Christopher Hitchens is most certainly a rude jerk. Not just on his Hannity appearance, but habitually. But his comments on Falwell are far from inaccurate.

But look at Falwell's greatest hits, and the God he claims to worship:

"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals, it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

Gays and the ACLU bear ultimate responsibility for the Sept. 11th.

Tinky Winky is a gay teletubby, part of an insidious plot to brainwash our children?

Or take Pat Robertson's claim that Hurricane Katrina was a punishment from an angry and vengeful God.

"People like that should be out in the street, shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign"-- not admired or respected.

That said-- Hitchens is just a freak and a militant. I saw him on a program where someone, wisely, pointed to people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King as examples of what wonderful positive effects religious leaders have had the world, and Hitchens claimed that "We can never know whether Martin Luther King was really a christian, or just pretending to be one." Ironically, Falwell had said the same thing-- proving there's no shortage of lunatics running around.

ANd of course, though I may not be aware of the precise nature of my own lunacy, there's no doubt that I should count myself among that group of people who are probably a lunatic about something!".


1:52 PM  
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10:29 AM  
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